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The Redemption of Howard Gray | Charles W. Naylor


Howard Gray, with whom we walk in the pages that follow, is no mythical character. His story is not an idle tale of fiction. There lies enshrined therein the experiences, longings, hopes, and the very heart-throbs of a real man whose life story it has been the privilege of the author intimately to know. Obviously, it was necessary so to draw the picture that the actual scenes and persons would not be disclosed. In other respects, the story, in its outlines, is actual experience, with the needful links supplied to give coherence and continuity.

It is the hope of the chronicler that the story of Howard Gray may throw light on the way of salvation, so that pilgrims on life’s journey may be guided into the path of peace and soul-rest. There is only one way of true happiness. Outside that way disappointment is certain. Fellowship with God is the source of the deepest and truest joy that man can know.

That the reader may be brought to know, if he does not already know, the blessed reality of this fellowship in his own life is the prayer of

—The Author