God Heals a Blind Girl
One day we went to visit Ruth’s aunt. While there, a very dear friend of Ruth’s aunt came to visit her, bringing Annie, her little, four-year-old girl who was the same age as Ruth. They had taken Annie to an eye doctor the day before, and he had said that she was blind and would always be blind. The two children played together. Ruth would lead her by the hand and this touched her heart very much.
After we went home, Ruth came to me crying, and said, “Mama, Annie is blind. Mama, Annie can’t see anything. Mama, Annie can’t even see her mama!”
I answered, “No, Annie can’t see anything.”
“Can’t Jesus make Annie see her mama?” Ruth asked.
“Yes, Jesus can do anything,” Mother told her.
“I’ll never quit praying till Jesus makes Annie see her Mama,” she said. She knelt down and prayed, and for several days she would come in from her play ever so often and kneel down and pray and ask Jesus to make Annie see her mama.
In a few days we received word that Annie said, “Oh, I see my mama!” From then on she could see.
When the girls were eight years old and Ruth had moved from that state, her aunt (who had also moved) received a letter from Annie’s mother, saying, “Annie seems to be losing her eyesight again.” She said also that she would like for her to send Annie a new dress while she could still see it, and, if she knew where Ruth was, to ask her to pray for Annie that Jesus would not let her go blind again. Ruth was at the home of her aunt when she received this letter. She prayed earnestly again and God answered her prayer and gave Annie her eyesight. It was even better than normal.
The last time I saw Annie she was a grown woman, around forty, and she showed me how she could see to read a long way from the light, which we could not do. Surely God did a wonderful work in answer to a little girl’s prayer.
Children, let’s pray; and when we pray, believe that God hears, and receive the good things that he has to give us and others.