Jesus Answers Ruth’s Prayer
I went to sit up all night with a very sick neighbor. I took Ruth, my little five-year-old girl along. When I started to leave the next morning, the folks told me to leave Ruth there and they would send her home when she awakened. Being very busy, they forgot about the child for some time, and she got up and started home by herself. She started up the fence which she thought led home, but she took the wrong fence and it led out into a large pasture where there were deep canyons, bad cattle, wolves, and other dangers.
The neighbors missed Ruth and sent their son to find out if Ruth had got home all right. Her parents became alarmed when they were told that she had left two hours before. Her father started out to find his precious child, asking God to direct him to her. After going some distance, he heard someone talking. He stopped and listened. His heart was so glad, for he knew it was his child. She was kneeling by a post praying.
And this is what he heard her say, “Oh, sweet Jesus, please send my papa to find me! I’m not afraid! I know that you wouldn’t let nothing hurt your little girl, but if my papa didn’t find me, my mama would cry herself to death and my papa would almost cry himself to death. So please, sweet Jesus, send my papa to find me.”
“Here I am, Ruth,” Papa said, as he walked toward her.
“Oh, Papa, I knew Jesus would send you to find me!” Ruth said as she quickly jumped up and ran to her father, throwing her arms around him.
Mother was very happy when she saw Father coming with their child, and thanked God for caring for her.