Lost Treasures

“Come, Mamie, darling,” said Mrs. Peterson, “before you go into the land of dreams you will kneel at my knee and thank your heavenly Father for what He has given you today.”
Mamie came slowly towards her mother, and said, “I’ve been very naughty, and I can’t pray, Mama.”
“If you’ve been naughty dear, that is the more reason that you need to pray.”
“But, Mama, I don’t think God wants little girls to come to Him when they are naughty.”
“You are not naughty now, my dear, are you?”
“No, I am not naughty now.”
“Well, then come at once.”
“What shall I say to God about it, Mama?”
“You can tell God how very sorry you are.”
“What difference will that make?”
“When we have told God that we are sorry, and when He has forgiven us, then we are as happy as if we had not done wrong; but we cannot undo the mischief.”
“Then, Mama, I can never be quite as rich as if I had not had a naughty hour today.”
“Never, my dear; but the thought of your loss may help you to be more careful in the future, and we will ask God to keep you from sinning against Him again.”