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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 1 (June 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications

Dear Reader

As this is the first issue of Treasures of the Kingdom, we thought it good to add some opening remarks and hopes for the future.

Treasures of the Kingdom is designed for boys and girls ages five to ten. Seeing a need for the truth to be brought to the young, we have purposed, with God’s help, to supply that need by printing material that builds godly character, spiritual direction, and gives practical instruction. As a little candle, we desire to shed God’s Light ’round about us in this dark world.

We are a Bible-believing family that belongs to the church God built in the New Testament. Our family consists of Rick and Krista Erickson and their five children: Laura (18), Skye (17), Joel (16), Kara (14), and Amanda (6). We live on a small acreage, and are home educated. The publishing of Treasures of the Kingdom is mainly done by Laura and Joel, with help from others, including contributions from our friends, the Spinks family, and guidance by our parents.

In printing Treasures of the Kingdom we are aiming for a high standard. The contents of each issue will be measured against Bible standards and suitableness for the set age range. We plan to print the existing features in each issue, which will be sent out bimonthly, Lord willing. We also desire to include in the future a column for children to share what they have learned.

In His service,
The Editors