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On Your Guard

Dear Young Soldier:

Do you want to be in My army and fight as My soldier? Then you must wear the armor that I have for you. Do you want to keep your heart protected from wrong? Then you must wear the Breastplate of Righteousness.

These may seem like long, hard words, but I will explain them to you. First, a breastplate is a shield of armor that you strap on your chest. If anything comes along to get you, your heart will be safe with a breastplate to cover it.

Righteousness means living by what is right. All My ways that I have written in the Bible are right. All things right are good and make you happy if you follow them. That is how righteousness will keep you from wrong. If you do only what is right, then you won’t do what is wrong and your heart won’t be hurt.

My ways are right and I tell them to you because I love you. I tell you to obey your parents because they are there to take care of you. I tell you always to tell the truth because lies will hurt you and others. I tell you to treat others kindly, because that is when you will be blessed. If you think that what I tell you is too hard or not fun, remember that I am protecting you.

With Love,
Lord of the Kingdom