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Dear Reader

For any of you who are new to the paper, Treasures of the Kingdom is designed for boys and girls ages five to ten. If you have questions or want to share a testimony, please write. If you are interested in something for older children and adults, we also have available a quarterly magazine, Foundation Truth.

We are a Bible-believing family that includes Rick and Krista Erickson and their five children: Laura (20), Skye (19), Joel (18), Kara (16), and Amanda (7). The publishing of Treasures of the Kingdom is mainly done by Laura and Joel, with help from others, including contributions from our friends, the Spinks family, and guidance by the parents.

Note: the poem in “Gems for Your Treasure Chest” was reprinted from Moral Lessons of Yesteryear, by permission of Mantle Ministries. This book can be obtained [as of February 2001] online (www.mantlemin.com) or by calling 1-830-438-3777 (Monday-Friday 10:00am—4:40pm, CST).

In the King’s Service,
The Editors