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Letter to a Little Princess

I am Aunt Faith, and I’m writing a letter to you because Aunt Grace couldn’t. Would you like to hear about an adventure that Princess Precious had and the lesson she learned?

It was a cold day, but Precious and her brother, Prince Valiant, had decided to go on a hike with Valiant’s new binoculars. They followed the lane through the woods and stopped in a meadow. “I’ve been here before,” said Prince Valiant, leading the way on a twisting path to a hill. They saw a robin and two chickadees, an anthill, and far away a great big bird.

“Is it an eagle?” wondered Precious. “We could climb up the hill to see better.” Valiant tucked his binoculars inside their case and started climbing up the rough rocks. The path was steep, so Precious grabbed a stick to help her along. They climbed and climbed until the woods were left far behind.

“Look how far we can see!” cried Valiant when they had reached a level spot on the cliff. Out across the treetops they could see the farmland, houses, and roads.

“We’ve come a long ways,” said Precious. “Too bad we didn’t bring a lunch.” She was looking up into the gray sky when suddenly a shrill squeak came from the rocks nearby. Turning quickly, Precious was surprised to see a small furry animal with round ears disappear in a crack.

“Did you see that?” whispered Valiant. Precious nodded, pointing to a big, brown bird flying over the hill. “Oh, I know,” said Valiant, “That animal was hiding from the hawk! Do you think it was a cony, like the one we read about in the Bible?”

“Yes, for remember? They hide in the rocks when trouble comes. Shhh! Maybe it will come out again,” said Precious. They waited for a long time, hardly breathing. The breeze got colder and dark clouds blew in.

“We better go home before it rains,” said Valiant, so they started down the rocks. But drops began to fall when they were only halfway down. The rocks began to get slippery and Precious scraped her knee. Finally they reached the edge of the woods and ducked under the trees. But where was the trail?

“I think we’re lost,” said Valiant, looking worried. “What shall we do?”

‘What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee,’* (Psalm 56:3) Psalm 56:3,” Precious said, wiping the raindrops from her face. “That was my Bible verse.”

“Yes, let’s ask King Jesus to help us,” said Valiant. Together they bowed their heads and prayed. When they had finished, Valiant jumped up. “I remember there was a tall stump where we started up the hill—see it over there!” How happy the two children were to find the path and be hurrying home!

“We were like the little cony,” said Precious, when she had told the story to Princess Joy. “When trouble came we hid in our Rock for safety.”

And, dear princesses, that is what we must do, too. For, like the conies, we are but a “feeble folk,” and our only strength is when we trust Jesus to help us.

Love, Aunt Faith