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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 12 (April 2001) | Timeless Truths Publications

Something You Can Do

If you’re like any children I know, you like making little projects out of paper, string, and tape, and giving it to someone. But most little craft projects don’t last long, and soon they have to be thrown out because they aren’t useful. Do you want to make something special that someone will really enjoy? You can design a

Cheerful Bird Chimes

You will need:

  • A wire coat hanger
  • Thin string and a needle
  • Nails
  • Contact or wax paper
  • A bird picture
  1. 1. Begin by deciding the shape. You can keep the hanger in a triangle, or bend it into a diamond or circle. Bend the hook to make a loop for hanging.
  2. 2. Now trace around the hanger onto the contact or wax paper. This is where you will put your bird picture. Have someone help you cut it out and stick it together.
  3. 3. Thread the needle with the string, and carefully begin whip-stitching (we learned that last time) around the paper edges to hold it to the wire hanger. Tie a knot where you begin and end to hold it.
  4. 4. Now for the music! Tie pieces of string from the bottom edge of the hanger close together. Add nails (2 or more on each string) by tying the string under their flat heads. Be creative and experiment to see what works. Nails make a soft chiming, but you can try anything that clangs with a nice sound.

Now hang your Cheerful Bird Chimes where the wind will set it to singing!