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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 12 (April 2001) | Timeless Truths Publications

Dear Reader

With love and expectation, trusting in the King we serve, we finish our second year of publishing. As you know, we have been printing not for earthly reward, but for the treasures of a Heavenly Kingdom. Our prayer is that this paper will shine light for little feet somewhere to reach the Palace Gates.

If you have questions or want to share a testimony, please write. If you are interested in encouragement for Christian living for youth and adults, Foundation Truth is also available.

We are a Bible-believing family that includes Rick and Krista Erickson and their five children: Laura (20), Skye (19), Joel (18), Kara (16), and Amanda (8). The publishing of Treasures of the Kingdom is mainly done by Laura and Joel, with help from others, including contributions from our friends, the Spinks family, and guidance by the parents.

In the King’s Service,
The Editors