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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 13 (June 2001) | Timeless Truths Publications

Hear that cooing from that fence rail? Come let’s go see what we can learn today from another little bird—

The Tranquil Dove: Peace

She sits and looks at us with soft eyes, plainly saying she wouldn’t want to hurt anyone. Let us sit and watch her for awhile.

Why do we think of peace when we look at a dove? A black bird hops near and we see that she makes room for him. The dove gets along very well with other birds. Just look! Several more doves are coming and they all fly down to eat together. Doves like to eat in flocks, even with other kinds of birds, because it makes them feel safe. They don’t want to disturb others or be disturbed. That is called being tranquil.

After the dove has eaten, she flies away over to a quiet roosting place. She won’t rush about during the day like other birds, but likes to rest and sit calmly. The dove is peaceful because it is not hurrying or fretting about what can not be done. She is at harmony with God and the world He made, so she is not easily disturbed. Don’t we have much to learn from our tranquil friend?

The Bible says to let the peace of God rule in our hearts. How can we do that? We can play nicely and share with others, just like the doves. When God has given us something good, don’t we want to share it with others? We are peaceful when we don’t bother or disturb others. When we are pouting and whining for our own way we are not at peace, are we?

Jesus gives us peacefulness inside when we trust and obey Him. We don’t have to go rushing about trying to make everyone do what we want. We can rest because He is in control, and that makes us in harmony with what He is doing. If you don’t get the toy you want, just thank God that He knows best. If some trouble comes along, just tell Jesus about it. He is the One that makes us feel safe and secure.