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Dear Reader

Greetings to you in the name of our King! We continue to prove His faithfulness, power, and love as we serve Him. Through every trial (including a delayed issue!) we know He will bring us out into wealthier places if we let Him. Thank you for your patience in our repeated lateness. We appreciate your prayers and pray in turn that these pages will bless you.

If you have questions or want to share a testimony, please write. If you want more encouragement for Christian living, Foundation Truth is also available for youths and adults.

We are a Bible-believing family that includes Rick and Krista Erickson and their five children: Laura (21), Skye (19), Joel (19), Kara (16), and Amanda (8). The publishing of Treasures of the Kingdom is mainly done by Laura and Joel, with help (guidance, proofreading, contributions) from others.

In the King’s Service,
The Editors