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Project, recipe, poem, and verse

Potato Project

We like mashed potatoes better than hard raw ones, don’t we? So we like the softness in someone’s words, rather than meanness. Potatoes have to be cooked to be made soft. Scrub the potatoes and poke them well. We don’t want them to puff up and explode! Now bake them in a hot oven (400*) for at least half an hour. Poke a fork in and see if they are soft. If not, bake some more. When a fork goes in easily, remove them with pot holders and cut them in half. When they are cooled a bit, scoop out the fluffy insides and mash with salt, pepper, a bit of milk and butter. Taste and see if it isn’t just the thing for dinner! We are kind of like potatoes in God’s kitchen—we might need scrubbing, poking and baking, too.

RECIPE for Gentleness:

Upon arising pray for love.

Mix it with kindness throughout the day.

To perfect the taste, bake it in a trial.

If it holds out with sweet-temper it is quite done!

If not, add a scoop of humbleness.

Use self-denial and consideration liberally, and Gentleness will be produced.

My Lord Knows the Way

(adapted from a song)

My Lord knows the way through the wilderness;
All I have to do is follow.
Through sun or through shadow my Shepherd is He;
All I have to do is follow.

Strength for today is mine all the way,
And all I need for tomorrow.
Never I’ll fear, for He is so near,
To help me in pain or in sorrow.

My Lord knows the way through the wilderness;
All I have to do is follow.

A verse to hide in your heart:

“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”* (John 10:11)