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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 19 (June 2002) | Timeless Truths Publications

When to Run

When you play tag, you want to know who’s “it,” so you can keep away from him. If you get caught you’ll be in trouble: you may get frozen, or maybe be “it” yourself. So when “it” comes along, you run!

Do you know that there are other things we need to run from? God tells us that sin and wrongdoing will get us into a lot of trouble. Much more trouble than being “it” in the tag game! God hates evil because it is like a terrible disease. It will ruin our lives and make us very miserable. The safest place to be is far from evil and close to good. When you see or hear something wrong, it is time to run!

How can we know what is wrong? Anything that you wouldn’t want Dad or Mom to know is usually the wrong thing to do. If it is disobeying them, or if is a something they wouldn’t like, don’t do it. Maybe someone shows you a mystery book they read. Mom never said not to read it, but would she want you to read about thieves and killing? The best test is to ask, “Would Jesus do it?”

Many things that look okay are really wrong in disguise. Maybe when you are with some friends someone suggests playing “spy.” Well, that sounds fun, and before you know it you are sneaking around and running from your mom. The others laugh at a bad story or tell you to “keep secrets” which aren’t good at all. This is called an “evil influence” and you will soon end up doing wrong yourself. Better run before it is too late!

Where can we run? “Right” is the base, and that is where we are safe. Jesus came to help us know the right way, and to keep us from evil. In a way, wrongdoing is like a big bully that wants to beat us up and we are too small to win. But Jesus has goodness and righteousness, two powers that evil can’t stand against. The only way to be safe is to ask Jesus for His power to protect us. Then we can keep from evil and stick to the good.