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The Best Gifts

You like to receive gifts and get things, don’t you? When it is someone special to you, you expect a special gift. Maybe your great uncle would send you a birthday card, but a card from Dad or Mom wouldn’t be so special. They give you bigger things: something you’ve wanted, your favorite food, or a special trip somewhere. They don’t do that for the neighbor children. You get their time and attention because you belong to them. When you love someone, the more you give them, don’t you?

God has given each of us our life. Think about all God gives. Because of His goodness you have food to eat and clothes to wear, a place to sleep, and people that care about you. But God saves His most special gifts for His own children. They are special to Him, and He loves to give them the very best. Do you want God’s very best gifts? He asks for you to give yourself to Him and belong to Him.

Think about Rosie in the story. If she didn’t love God, she wouldn’t care to do right and please Him. But since she did love Him, she thought about what He wanted—for her to be cheerful. And since she belonged to the Lord, she could ask Him for it. And didn’t He give it to her? Yes, He did! When we give Him our ways and let go of what we want, He has so much better to give us.

God wants to give many, many good gifts to His children. The Bible is a treasure chest of the good things He has for those that love Him. The best gifts are the kind you can’t see on the outside. He has storerooms of love and the bright robe of right-living for us to wear inside. There are cheerfulness and kindness gifts, which He especially loves to give when things go wrong. In fact, the Lord has special gifts for each problem and new ones for every day. Give God all you have (which is a little bit), and He will give you all He has (which is a lot)!