Something You Can Do
Do you ever feel like it is easier to frown than to smile? Probably so. Maybe you have to do an extra chore, or you can’t play like you wanted to. Or, perhaps someone else is having a bad day and you start to “catch” their attitude. Gloomy days come to everyone, but there is something you can do about it. You can
Sing a Song
Maybe you don’t need very many instructions to do that! But here are some ideas that you might want to try. They can make singing easier and more fun.
Make a Song Ring
You need:
- 3” x 5” cards
- pens
- hole punch
- key ring or ribbon
- and songs you know
Do this: Use different colors (of cards or pens) for different kinds of songs. Maybe blue can be for thankfulness and praise, and yellow for shining for Jesus, and pink for God’s love. Now write down the songs you know, one on each card. When you are done, stack the different colors together. You can put all the songs on one ring, or make a ring for each kind. Punch a hole in one corner of the cards and tie them together (or slip them on the ring). Now the songs are easy to take with you wherever you go!
Hide a Song in Your Heart
You need:
- a song to learn
- someone who knows it
- and a ready mind
Do this: Pick a song that you want to memorize. Choose one your family knows, or one from Treasures of the Kingdom (you can get a cassette or CD to learn them—just email us). Sing the song all the way through as you read the words. Do it again and think about what the words mean. If you sing from your heart, you will be able to remember it better! Now read the first few words of a verse and see if you can sing the rest. Practice singing without looking at the words. If you practice every day, you will soon know it by heart. Now you can use it to bring cheer to your day!
Why sing? For one thing it helps your mind think on good things. There are many Bible verses that talk about singing to the Lord (see “Gems for Your Treasure Chest”). Songs can help us remember what God has done for us. Songs can help us be willing to work. Songs help us choose what is right. If you don’t want to sing, ask God to help you. Don’t wait to feel like singing before you begin!