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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 29 (March 2004) | Timeless Truths Publications

Letter to a Little Princess

Dear Princess,

Do you ever have troubles? Do you believe God can take care of your troubles, or do you get frustrated and complain? Princess Precious had just as much trouble as any young girl. Life was busy with a little sister and brother to play with, chores to do, and studies every day. But life wasn’t always easy and fun.

One day Precious was busy making a little model wagon for her dolls. “I’m going to play they are pioneers,” she told Valiant, who was helping her. They had bent wires over a shoe box and fastened a cardboard strip for the seat. “How can we make the wheels for the wagon?” wondered Precious. They were puzzling over this problem when Mother called.

“I need help cleaning up the house. There is laundry to fold and cleaning to do.” It was hard to leave her project right in the middle, but Precious was wearing her golden gown of obedience. So she hurried to fold the laundry. It looked like a mountain. As she folded, Precious planned her wagon. If I get it done quickly, maybe I’ll have time to finish, she thought. But after the laundry, there was more work to do.

Valiant came by when she was picking up the toys. “I found the perfect wheels,” he said. He held up four round plastic lids. “I’ll get some sticks for the axles.”

“Good,” said Precious. “I’ll go get the wagon.” But when Precious looked for it, she couldn’t find it. “Did you see my wagon?” she asked Little Joy.

“What wagon?” Joy asked. Then Precious saw it. It was by the window and the shoe box was smashed.

“What did you do to it?” she asked angrily.

Joy looked surprised. “Is that your wagon? I was just using it for my leap frog game.”

Just then Mother called from the kitchen. “Where has Valiant put my lids? I need them.”

“Oh, dear!” cried Precious. “Everything has gone wrong!” She was so upset that she felt like crying.

“I’m sorry, Precious,” Little Joy said. “I didn’t mean to wreck your wagon.”

Precious turned away. What could she do now? Her project was ruined!

You can pray, a quiet voice whispered.

But that won’t fix anything! Precious argued.

Do you believe that the Lord can help you? Remember His promise: God is an ever present help in trouble.

Precious buried her face in her hands. She didn’t feel happy. Could God really help her? She knew the Bible was true. But did she believe it? Dear Father in Heaven, please help me. I know you can, Precious prayed. She took a deep breath. “God can do everything,” she whispered. “I know He can.”

“I’m sorry about your wagon,” Mother said. “I don’t think Joy knew about it.”

“It will be okay,” Precious said, brushing away her tears. “Maybe Valiant and I can make a new one tomorrow.”

“Hey,” Valiant said, “If Joy doesn’t mind, we can use the wheels on her old doll buggy!”

“I won’t mind,” Joy said. She smiled and Precious smiled back.

Aunt Faith