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Something You Can Do

Do you sometimes feel gloomy and bored? Do your chores seem hard and nothing good seems to happen? Then you have forgotten something important. It is your choice how things look and feel. You can decide to make the day better or worse by your own attitude. Whatever happens to you, wherever you live, you can bloom (like a flower) where you are. Here is a spring project for you to try right away, because even in winter you can make

A Flower Basket

You’ll need:

  • a wire basket
  • hay or straw
  • potting soil
  • flowers (pansies and primroses work nicely—you can get them at Wal-Mart or a garden store)

  1. If your wire basket is dirty, clean it with soap and water and dry it out. Use the hay to line the basket about 1 inch thickness around.
  2. Squeeze the bottom sides of the flower containers to get them out. Arrange the flowers to look pretty in your basket. Usually the tallest will be best in the back or in the middle. Make sure you can see all the flowers.
  3. Push in the potting soil between the flowers so they’re nice and snug. Find a place to put your flower basket. Put a tray underneath it, if it is inside, and water it.
  4. Remember to clean up your mess!