How to be Happy
Have you ever had a day like Rosie’s? Everything wasn’t the way you wanted it to be, and so you didn’t feel happy. How do you think this happens? It starts with a little wishing thought. Maybe someone else has something better than you do. You began to wish for it, and soon you can think of many other things you don’t have. Then you began to feel grumpy and a pout comes to your face. This is called being discontented. You are not happy with what you have or can do, and it makes you feel miserable.
Do you think that Jesus is happy when we are this way? There is a Bible verse that tells us: “Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5) Who will never leave us? The Lord Jesus! One cure for being discontent is remembering this promise. Since Jesus is always near, and He knows just what we need, then we should just trust Him to take care of us. It makes Him very sad when we complain and grumble, for that means we don’t believe this promise. It means we don’t believe that the Lord can take care of us! What a silly thing to think!
Another thing to do when you begin to think some complaining thoughts is to give thanks. There are many verses in the Bible about being thankful. If you want to look them up, here are a few: Psalm 92:1, Ephesians 5:20, Colossians 3:15, and 1 Thessalonians 5:18. There are many good things you do have, if you stop to think about it. What about your home and family? What about a bed to sleep in and food to eat? It is God who has given us all good things, and it makes Jesus happy when we remember to keep thankfulness in our heart toward Him.
What was the thing that helped Rosie to be thankful? She began thinking about someone else. When you stop thinking about yourself and think about others, you are much happier. Selfishness makes many people very gloomy. Though it never does any good, it is hard to stop thinking about our own wants. We need to ask Jesus to help us. Jesus learned how to give up His own way and try to make others happy. You can learn that, too. Look for ways to cheer others up. Many people don’t have happy homes and the blessings that you do. When you think about them, it helps you to be thankful for what you have.
If you start wishing that you had more toys and didn’t have to work, you should remember that these things don’t make people happy. Happiness comes when you have Jesus. When you obey Him, you will have a happy heart. He always makes people happy, and He can help you to be a little sunbeam, too!