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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 50 (Fall 2009) | Timeless Truths Publications

God always hides good things for us in our troubles. Read about what Anna (age 5, from Oregon) discovered, then see what buried treasures you can dig up. I hope we can print your story next!

Ready to tell us what you found? Just write to me and I will help you write it up! —email Miss Laura

What Anna Couldn’t Do

Anna was playing at a friends’ house. She really wanted to hold the new doll that Jennifer had brought, but it was Beth’s turn. “Can I play with her after you?” Anna asked her little sister.

“After awhile,” said Beth. She put a striped apron over the blue doll dress, then took it off again. “I’m going to put her to bed now,” she said.

Anna sighed. It would be a long time before Beth would be ready to share. Anna decided to find a book to look at. She was just pulling a couple off the shelf when the older girls ran by.

“Do you want to play in the barn?” asked Miss Margaret. “If you pick up your toys you can go with them.”

“OK!” said Anna, quickly putting the books away. She loved playing in the barn with the bigger children. Roller blading and playing rope tag was even more fun than playing with dolls!

Anna hurried to find her coat and shoes. At last she was ready.

“Come on, Anna!” called her sister, Leah, from the doorway. “The others are already in the barn.” Anna ran after her. Over the sidewalk, across the gravel parking lot, and down the hill.

The shouts of the other children greeted them as they entered the big barn door. “Can you help me get my skates on?” Anna asked one of the big girls. She didn’t want to miss out on the fun.

Anna was pulling off her shoes when her big brother, Michael, joined them. “Father says we can’t play in the barn today,” he said sadly.

“We didn’t even get to play,” said Jennifer, kicking off her skates.

“I guess we have to go,” said Leah.

Everyone put away their skates without saying another word. All the fun and laughter was gone. Anna blinked back tears as she followed the others up the hill to the house.

Leah stopped to take her hand. “Don’t be sad, Anna,” she said, kindly. “Maybe we can roller skate next time.”

Anna sniffed. “But I didn’t even get to hold Jennifer’s doll,” she said sadly.

“Didn’t Beth share with you?” Leah asked.

Anna shook her head and the tears came to her eyes again.

“Let’s go tell Mama,” Leah decided. She led the way to the living room.

Miss Margaret met them in the hall. “What is the matter Anna? Are you sad that you have to go now?”

“She didn’t get to hold the doll. Beth had it the whole time,” Leah explained.

“But I’m sure you’ve been able to do some other fun things,” Miss Margaret said, kneeling down to look in Anna’s face. “Didn’t you have fun in the barn?”

Anna shook her head. “I was just taking off my shoes when we had to come up,” she said.

“I see,” said Miss Margaret. “That would not be fun at all.” Then she smiled. “But let’s think of something good! You don’t want to be sad, do you?”

“No,” said Anna, in a small voice.

“Well, can you think of something to be glad about?”

Anna shook her head. Nothing was happy today.

“I can think of one thing,” said Miss Margaret, touching Anna’s shoes. “You have good feet to walk and run with. Even if you can’t skate today, you can be glad you can move!”

Anna looked at Miss Margaret. Was she teasing? Of course she had feet that could move! What was so good about that? Soon she would have to walk to the van and go home, and her feet didn’t want to do that.

But Miss Margaret didn’t look like she was teasing. Her voice got very quiet and she said, “I saw a little girl the other day who couldn’t walk. She had to be in a wheel chair.”

“Was she as big as me?” Anna asked.

“Yes, like you,” said Miss Margaret. “And she only could move one arm. She held the other one like this.” And Miss Margaret bent up her arm next to her body. “If you saw her, you would be glad you could walk. She could only sit on the floor if they took her out of her wheelchair.”

“Like this?” Anna asked, scrunching up her knees to her chest. It would be strange to only sit and not walk. That is how babies were!

“No, her legs were like this.” Miss Margaret pressed Anna’s knees over to the side. “She couldn’t really hold them up.”

“Oh,” said Anna. “That wouldn’t be fun.”

“No, it wouldn’t. But this little girl could smile,” said Miss Margaret. “And I’m sure you can do that.”

Anna smiled a little. Miss Margaret smiled back. “You know, there are lots of things you can do,” she reminded Anna. “You are learning to write letters and many other things.”

“Beth can’t write yet,” said Anna. “Only a little bit.”

“But she is learning, and you can help her,” said Miss Margaret.

“I can show her lots of things,” agreed Anna with a bright smile.

It was time to go, but Anna wasn’t sad anymore. Her mind was busy with many thoughts of things she could do and how she could teach Beth. “I’m glad you are happy now,” Miss Margaret said, as she hugged her good-bye. “Isn’t it best to be thankful for all the good things? That is how you can stay on God’s side.”

On God’s side. The happy side. Anna smiled as she walked to the van. Her feet did what she wanted. “I’m glad God gave me feet to walk and run,” she thought, as she climbed into her seat. “I’m glad I can climb and talk and do so many things!”