What Lillian Knew
Lillian was a little girl, not quite two years old. She liked her stuffed animals and other toys, but best of all she liked to do things with Mommy. Sometimes they would look at books. Sometimes they would dress Bunny. Then Mommy would say, “We have work to do now.” Lillian liked to be a helper. When Mommy ironed, Lillian would iron her little dresses with the toy iron Daddy had made. She could set the table for lunch. Then she took out her play food and fed her stuffed animals until it was time to eat.
Some days were happy days for Lillian and Mommy. They would laugh and sing songs while they worked. But other days were hard days. Maybe Mommy was tired and everything would be late. Then she couldn’t pay much attention to Lillian and that would make her feel fretful. She would dump out her toys and make lots of noise. At last Mommy would kneel down next to her. “I know you don’t like it, but Mommy is really tired today,” she would say. “Let’s pray for Jesus to help us.” Then they would clasp their hands and bow their heads and Mommy would ask, “Would you please help Mommy and Lillian today?” Mommy would smile and Lillian would know that it would be a better day now.
One morning Lillian was playing with Bunny and Puppy. Mommy was busy in the kitchen, so she gave Lillian some crackers to eat. Lillian set Bunny on a chair and fed her a cracker. Bunny didn’t eat it, so Lillian did. Then Bunny was given a drink of juice from her sippy cup. Lillian took a drink. Next she fed a cracker to Puppy, who was sitting on the floor. Lillian ate two more crackers, then looked around. Mommy might want a cracker, too. But where was Mommy? Suddenly a loud noise began in the other room. Mommy was vacuuming.
“Mah-y!” Lillian called. Mommy didn’t come. “Mah-y!” she called again. Lillian felt upset. The vacuum cleaner was too loud. She threw down her crackers. Then she pushed Bunny onto the floor and called very loudly, “Mah-y!” Still Mommy didn’t come.
Lillian grabbed her cup and went to the doorway. Yes, there Mommy was. But she was busy moving the vacuum cleaner hose back and forth and didn’t look up. Lillian ran over and grabbed Mommy’s hands. At last Mommy looked up. “Mommy is busy, honey,” she said. “You must be a happy girl and play.” But Lillian wasn’t happy. She set her cup down and bowed her head. Didn’t Mommy understand?
“What are you doing, Lillian?” Mommy asked. Lillian got down on her knees and put her hands together. “I see,” said Mommy. She dropped the vacuum hose and knelt down beside Lillian. “Please help Mommy and Lillian,” she said. “Help Mommy to get the vacuuming done soon.” Mommy smiled and Lillian stood up. She picked up her cup and went to get Bunny. Mommy picked up the vacuum hose and moved it back and forth along the wall. But Lillian didn’t mind. She knew everything was all right now. Do you know Lillian’s secret for happiness?
—shared by Lillian’s mother