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God’s goodness is everywhere! Can you find something to thank God for? Don’t forget the little things, because God cares about each one. It is wonderful to trust Him! Has God been good to you?

Do you have an experience to tell? Just write to me and I will help you write it up! —email Miss Laura

Editor’s Note: Last issue a reader shared her healing experience involving a natural doctor. We believe that God heals today and wants us to trust Him completely with our bodies as well as our souls. Suffering is part of life, but God is able to fill us with His joy and peace when we put our trust in Him. Every affliction is an opportunity to know more of God’s love and power (Psalm 34:19). May your faith be inspired to trust Him more!

How God Helped a Little Girl

I was on the airplane coming home from Oklahoma. Our seats were toward the back of the plane. We asked a lady that had a little girl if we could sit by her. She said, “Sure, you can sit here.” I noticed that the little girl didn’t look very happy. She lay in her mama’s lap very still. Sometimes she cried and moaned. Her mama asked for a cold napkin to put on her head. She did not like it. She cried and cried. The lady asked Mama if she knew of any way to slow down a high fever. Mama said, “Vinegar water would help and cool baths would slow down a fever. And even when she does not like it, just put her in the water and she will feel a little better.” The lady said, “I will try that when we get home. Thank you very much for that advice.” The plane trip was about four hours long. All during that time the little girl grew worse and worse. Finally her mama started to cry. “She’s never been so sick before. I am very worried!” Mama said, “I don’t want to offend you, but when my children are sick, the best doctor I know is Jesus.” Mama offered to have prayer for the little girl. The lady said she had been praying all day. So we had prayer on the plane. About ten minutes later the little girl started playing peek-a-boo with me. She was well! Her mama said, “I don’t think my mother is going to believe she was sick.”

—AutumnGrace, age 8