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The Roller Blades

My friend Caleb had roller blades. They were fun to use and could go fast. “Mommy, I wish I could have roller blades,” I said.

“You will have to save up your money,” my mom said. I didn’t have any money, so it didn’t seem like I would get any for a long time.

After science class the next day, Caleb and I went off to play. Then Caleb had an idea. “We could dig up your mom’s flower bed for her.” “Sure,” I said. “My mom said she would pay us, too.”

Soon we were working hard with shovels and picks. After awhile Mom came outside. “That looks very nice, boys,” she said, “I will pay you three dollars for it.”

I put the money in my pocket. “I will save it for roller blades,” I thought.

The next day I went with my mom to Goodwill. I went over to the toy section, and there I saw some roller blades! They were adjustable to fit my size. “Mom, look!” I said. “That is wonderful,” Mom said. “They are even half-off, so I think you have just the right amount of money to buy them!”

I was very happy to have my own roller blades. On the way home Mom said, “Let’s thank God for them. He helped you decide to work so you could earn the money. And then He worked it out that another child outgrew their roller blades, and then took them to the store just in time for you to buy them!”

—shared by Kaden, age 5