Only One Thing
I am a sheep
and I want lots of things:
I want a big field
that’s not too wide
And a shed for shelter
that’s not too small
I want grass to eat
that’s soft and green
I want water in a pool
that’s fresh and clean
I want to have friends
to run and play with
I want to explore trails
but not get lost
I want to be cared for
and guarded from danger
I want to lie down
and know that I am safe…

But what can a sheep do
to make it all happen?
I think I will ask
for only one thing:
I want to belong
to a Shepherd that is good
One that is strong enough
to hold and protect me
One that is smart enough
to know all my needs
One that loves me
and cares for me always
Because then I would have
everything that I need
And I would want
nothing else!
“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)