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A True Champion

In the story, Little Ram learned why Bighorn was a champion. First of all, he realized that the great ram wasn’t someone to play around with. His horns were powerful and he knew how to win every time. That made Little Ram respect him, didn’t it? It also gave Little Ram an example of how to use his own strength and ability. Did you notice how he began to admire Bighorn and tried to be like him?

Who is your champion? What is the power you respect the most? Think about it. I don’t know of anything stronger or wiser than God. After all, He is the Creator and Ruler above everything else! Do you think that God can be fooled around with? Can you make Him do what you want? Read Psalm 2. When you realize just how high and holy God is, then it’s time to humble down, like Little Ram did, and pay attention to what He is doing.

How does God use His strength and power? How does He always win? God always does what is right—and punishes what is wrong. He is a good Judge who deals fairly with us and our problems. You see, if you get in trouble for having a bad attitude (or a sassy one, like Little Ram), that’s good for you. It is good for robbers to stop stealing and liars to stop making up stories. That’s because doing wrong causes trouble—and all wrong-doers are going to be cast into hell fire, Jesus said. If we don’t respect God’s judgment now and do what is right, we will find ourselves in a lot worse trouble later!

It is good to be afraid of doing what is wrong. But that’s not enough to keep you safe. Remember the times you tried to do right and failed? Maybe you couldn’t escape from the bad thoughts and attitudes, just like Little Ram got trapped by the coyote. But what did Little Ram learn about Bighorn then? He realized that he was a friend who was strong enough to conquer his enemies. That is the wonderful truth about God. He is not only a powerful ruler, but He also cares about us and our problems! He is the only Friend we have that can get rid of the sin in our lives. Just like when Bighorn stepped in to defend Little Ram, Jesus died on the cross to save you. It wasn’t because you are so good or smart, but because of God’s mercy (Titus 3:5). He knows all about your problems and fears, and He wants to be your Champion and lead you to victory!

Have you trusted Jesus to be your savior from sin? Do you know that God loves you and will help you do right every time? When you do, the adventure has just begun. Are you ready to follow your Champion on the mountains of victory?