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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 62 (Fall 2013) | Timeless Truths Publications

Daddy’s Praise

Carolina was helping make supper. There was a little leftover meat and vegetables, so she asked if she could make soup. It was fun to be a cook and make up a recipe all by herself! When Daddy said, “You made this soup by yourself? What a good cook you are!” Carolina was happy. It felt good to be praised.

The next night she decided she would make soup again. “Not tonight. I need help with a casserole,” Mommy said. “You can be my big helper.” Carolina frowned.

“But I want to make my own soup,” she said again. “I want to be praised.”

Mommy smiled. “If you make your own soup, you will be pleasing yourself,” she said. “But if you want to make Daddy happy you will have to be my helper. Do you want your own praise, or Daddy’s?”

Carolina thought about that for a moment. She decided she wanted Daddy’s praise and hurried to help Mommy in the kitchen.

—by Carolina’s auntie