Dear Reader
I am so glad for the Good Shepherd’s care. Like the sheep on the front, my life isn’t problem-free. But it is filled with Jesus and learning more to trust His goodness. May you put your trust in the Lord so you can experience the loving care He has for you!
Do you have something to share or questions to ask? I’m glad to receive your letters and emails. You can also call 503-769-7567 and ask to talk to “Aunt Laura.”
For older ones who want to be challenged and encouraged in Christian living, Foundation Truth is published for youths and adults.
We are a God-fearing family that includes Rick and Krista Erickson, and their daughters still at home: Laura, Kara, and Amanda. The publishing of Treasures of the Kingdom is mainly done by Laura and Amanda, as we look to the Lord to provide content and direction.
The paper is freely sent to those that request it. You will be kept on our mailing list unless you request otherwise. If the Lord leads you to send anything, please note that since we are not a business we cannot cash checks made out to Treasures of the Kingdom.
In the King’s Service,
The Editors