The Day I Fell Out of the Tree
One afternoon, around 4:30, I was playing with Paulina and Elijah in a tree, and we were being howler monkeys. We were swinging out on different branches and I swung out on a branch and it cracked! My hands were nine feet up when I fell, and my feet were four-and-a-half feet off the ground. When I landed, my head was nineteen inches away from a brick retaining wall. I landed on my right side, on a root. Elijah’s dad came and helped me and everyone was glad that I was alright. I couldn’t walk very easily for the rest of the day, so my mom had to help me walk around. I didn’t have any broken bones and I was glad I was okay. Three days later I still had pain in my right leg, but I could walk with no one helping me and I was feeling better. God helped my head not to hit the brick retaining wall.
—Judah, age 7 1/2