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Rocks That Shine

Today I have some dusting to do. Can you be my helper? This shelf has a lot of little things to dust off. I like these rocks, you say. Look how pretty and shiny they are when I wipe them off!

Yes, I like polished rocks, too. Bright and shining things get our attention because they produce light. How can our lives be like these shiny rocks? Maybe if we are cheerful and helpful, you suggest. And how can we do that? With God’s help, you say. Yes, we need God to shine us up—or we will be all dull with with the dust of complaints and selfishness!

You know, these rocks are beautiful because they reflect the light. When God made the world, do you remember the two kinds of light He made? One shines because it is always burning, like a giant fire. The sun! you say. Yes, and that is also the way that God’s brightness is. He is so holy and good that no sin or bad attitudes can stand before Him, just like the sun chases all the darkness away.

But the moon doesn’t produce its own light by burning. Doesn’t it shine because of the sun? you say. That’s right—the moon reflects, or shines back, the light of the sun. So why is it sometimes a curved shape? you ask. Because that is the only part that the sun is shining on. The moon is only made of rock and can’t shine by itself, just like these rocks. But sometimes it be so bright that it is hard to go to sleep! you say. Isn’t that amazing? Like the moon, our lives can shine brightly, too. That is, if we reflect God’s “sunshine” goodness to others instead of just absorbing it.

What does “absorbing” mean? you ask. To absorb light means to take it in and keep it, instead of shining it back. That is how many people do with God’s mercy and love to them. They take it all in to themselves and act very selfish, like a big black hole. I don’t want to be a black hole, you say. Neither do I. So let’s start reflecting some of God’s goodness. While we finish our work, let’s sing a praise song!