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Why Jesus Is the Way to God

—Beth, a mother

In our devotions one morning we were talking about why Jesus is the way to God. “Why?” I asked my children. “Because God is holy and we are sinful,” I explained. “Since Adam and Eve sinned we all deserve death and not life. But Jesus, who became human, lived holy and pure all of His earthly life. Jesus had power to heal the sick and made the blind see again. He even raised the dead to life! But best of all, Jesus washed us from our sins by shedding His blood on the cross.

“Jesus is the only way to God, because He came not to judge us, but to save us. Remember the woman who had been caught in sexual sin with another man, although she was married?” I asked. “Do you remember what Jesus said to the people who wanted to punish her? ‘If any of you didn’t sin, you may throw the first stone at the woman.’ But realizing their sins in their heart, each dropped their stones and left. Only Jesus and the woman remained. And Jesus asked the woman, ‘Didn’t anyone punish you?’ Did someone punish the woman?” I asked.

“No,” my children said.

“And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I. Go and sin no more.’ Jesus didn’t punish her, although He had the right to do it. Isn’t that amazing? No judge can let wrongdoing go unpunished and remain pure at the same time, can they? But Jesus bore the punishment for us. When we confess our sins,’ as the Scripture says, He will forgive us and purify our hearts.

“Satan wants us to feel comfortable in hiding our sins. But can we hide from God? No. The Bible says that Jesus is the truth. He knows everything about us: our struggles, weakness, and the darkness inside us. We don’t need to be ashamed to come to Him, because He is willing to take our sin, which separates us from God. Just think—Jesus was not ashamed to bear our sins for us, when He was crucified on the cross! Even then He was full of love and forgiveness. That’s why He is the only Way for us to come to God.

“I believe also that Jesus is the only life. He made us and is the only One who can bring us to heaven, as we live by faith in Him. Surely Jesus loves you and me!

“These words,” I said, “can be found in the Word of God. Let’s go through some of them and see what He has said.”

Using the bold words from the lesson, fill in the blanks in these verses:

“But if we ______________ our sins, He is faithful and just to ______________ us.”* (1 John 1:9)

“__________… loved us, and ____________ us from our ________ in his own blood.”* (Revelation 1:5)

Jesus said, “I am the ______, the __________, and the ________.”* (John 14:6)

My personal prayer:

Dear Jesus, there is no way to heaven, except through You. My sins separate me from God. For I’m sinful and He is holy.

I believe that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus, thank you, that You came here on earth, to live among us, to heal us and to forgive us. Thank you that I can come to You with all my heart and that You won’t reject me.

I ask You to forgive all my sins. It was not pleasing to God that I loved to follow my sinful desires. Help me now to live for You, holy and pleasant to You. Make me new and erase my past. I ask You to come into my heart and change my life from the inside out. Free me from the desire of sin, and may You bless me with Your saving grace.

I believe that I cannot bring my own way, with all my good efforts, deeds and trying to be a good person, to heaven. Please save me and be the Shepherd of my soul, from now on and forever. Amen.