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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 75 (Fall 2018) | Timeless Truths Publications

Have you been foolish and learned an important lesson? Or needed an attitude change? Or maybe you lost something that was important to you? Read how God helped others—see what He can do for you!

The Lost Carabiner Clip

When I was a boy, my friend Travis and I liked to challenge ourselves to do hard things. After we saw some guys climbing telephone poles and trees with spiked boots and a harness, we wanted to try it. We found a harness and rope and set up a pulley system in a big cedar tree that had branches high off the ground.

One piece of our equipment was a carabiner clip that Travis borrowed from his dad. One day, when we were high up in the branches of the tree, we dropped the clip. We climbed down and started searching, but it had totally disappeared. Travis was upset, because he knew his dad would be mad if he lost the clip. We went inside to talk to my mom. “We can pray about it and I’ll help you look,” she said. Travis didn’t think that would help, but he said, “I guess it won’t hurt.” After praying, Mom walked over to the tree and there was the carabiner clip! Travis was amazed and we were very thankful.

I have grown up to be a man now, but I still pray when I can’t find things and God continues to help me!

—shared by Uncle Dylan