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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 8 (August 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications


If you have been helping in the garden this summer, you will know what I mean when I say, “I don’t like weeds!” Why are they such a problem? Because they are growing where the good plants are supposed to be.

Weeding is a big job. To make it easier, first WATER the soil to make it softer. DIG down around the ROOTS of the weed and pull out the whole plant. If you leave part of it, the weed will grow back again. PULL weeds when they are SMALL—it always saves you from doing a lot more work later on. If they get BIG they can send out MORE weed-seeds to sprout all over your garden!

When you are pulling those prickly, stubborn, bad weeds—think of these weeds that need to be pulled out of your heart-soil by Jesus’ help.