Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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4 items:

Discerning the Lord's Body

December 1, 2012

Discerning the Lord’s Body | Harlan D. Sorrell, 2011 Church
The essence of Christ's true body is directly related to spiritual status, and spiritual meat and drink. Let us now examine the Word of God and examine our own selves to see if we discern the Lord's body and if we are really a part of it.
Divine Grafting

January 1, 2024

Divine Grafting | George D. Watson, 1904 Communion
In regenerating and sanctifying the believing soul, the Holy Spirit pursues this same great law of grafting the life of Christ into the believing heart, and the graces and fruit of the Spirit upon the natural faculties and functions of the human spirit.
Divorce and Marriage

January 16, 2005

Divorce and Marriage | James B. Graham, Jr. Marriage
When we viewed the blighting effects of divorce... and became convicted that we and others had spoken all too glibly about "Scriptural grounds for divorce" without any very careful study... we set ourselves to discover the truth.
Divorce and Remarriage

June 29, 2003

Divorce and Remarriage | Richard J. Erickson, 2003 Marriage
In understanding these scriptures, it is important to understand who Paul is addressing, and also when he is giving commands of the Lord, and when he is giving counsel. The context makes so much difference in meaning, whatever the language.