Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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4 items:

The Blessing of Cheerfulness

June 1, 2020

The Blessing of Cheerfulness | James R. Miller, 1895 Joy
We cannot put too great emphasis upon the duty of giving happiness and cheer to others. But it is no less a duty that we should be happy and cheerful ourselves. All our efforts to lighten another's load will be limited unless they spring from a source of joy within.
The Joy of the Lord

September 1, 2019

The Joy of the Lord | Albert B. Simpson, 1890 Joy
His great salvation is inseparably linked with a rejoicing spirit. True, it can stoop to sorrow; it will enter the saddest home and the darkest midnight, but it cannot dwell with gloom. It must banish sorrow as well as sin, and live in the light of joy.
When the Song Begins

July 1, 2019

When the Song Begins | James R. Miller, 1905 Joy
What is the secret? When does the song begin? What is it that gives to the believer in God this quenchless joy? In the record of the opening of the temple by Hezekiah we find a sentence which suggests the answer.
Why Weepest Thou?

April 1, 2015

Why Weepest Thou? | Beverly Carradine, 1899 Joy
Of all the things that He might have said, perhaps no more beautiful, blessed, needful, and significant speech could have been made by Him to His sorrowing disciples—and, beyond them, to the struggling, battling Church in all ages, and even to the sinful world itself.