Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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A Fallen Church

September 1, 2007

A Fallen Church | Charles E. Orr Warning
It is surpassing strange that one reformation does not profit by the downfall of the preceding ones.... The worldliness they could not once tolerate they are now themselves engaging in. Then the spiritual ones form another movement....
Five Reasons Why I Do Not Seek the Gift of Tongues

July 1, 2008

Five Reasons Why I Do Not Seek the Gift of Tongues | Elmer E. Shelhamer Warning
We do not for one moment deny that there is a gift of tongues.... I would not dare do as many brethren, who denounce the entire Tongues movement as of the devil. I have found some of these people nearer heaven than some who oppose them.
Hear God's Voice and Follow Him

September 1, 2012

Hear God’s Voice and Follow Him | Fred Pruitt, 2012 Warning
Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us keep in our hearts a love for the truth and the crucified way, lest we be led astray by any of the deceivers around us.... Those who get grounded and settled in the truth will not be blown about by different winds of doctrine.
“I'm Glad I Settled It Last Night”

October 1, 2012

“I’m Glad I Settled It Last Night” | Herbert M. Riggle, 1918 Warning
A miner came to the altar seeking Christ.... After more than an hour of seeking, the minister dismissed the congregation, while he himself remained with the seeker. After a long time he suggested that they go home.... But the penitent man would not be put off.

November 1, 2011

Ishmael | Mark P. Spinks Warning
Our Ishmaels exist because we listen to some voice other than that of the Holy Spirit. Our motives may be pure, and the cause laudable, but we are badly out of our depth when we lean on human wisdom and understanding to attempt the work of God.
Is Holiness Legalism?

March 1, 2015

Is Holiness Legalism? | John Wesley, 1762 Warning
Do not say, "I can do nothing." If so, then you know nothing of Christ. Then you have no faith. For if you have faith, if you believe, then you "can do all things through Christ" who strengthens you. You can love Him and keep His commandments.
Jehoshaphat and Ahab

April 1, 2012

Jehoshaphat and Ahab | Mark P. Spinks, 2006 Warning
Jehoshaphat got too far from God and too close to Ahab. The same will happen to you and me unless we live continually in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Without His aid... sin does not appear so exceedingly sinful anymore.

February 1, 2014

Lukewarmness | George D. Watson, 1896 Warning
As a rule, lukewarmness of spirit is so decent and well-behaved, that it chloroforms its victim and kills him without a scream of terror. This is what makes it so awfully fatal. While open sin slays its hundreds, nice, respectable lukewarmness slays its tens of thousands.
Over-Waiting for God

March 1, 2019

Over-Waiting for God | James R. Miller, 1896 Warning
There are times when closet prayer is not the duty of the hour.... We may think we are honoring God by waiting... but really we are dishonoring Him by lack of present faith and ready obedience. Blessing... cannot be given to us until we go forth to get it.
Remember Now Thy Creator

October 1, 2010

Remember Now Thy Creator | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr., 2010 Warning
Whatever it takes for you to save your soul, whatever sacrifices you may have to make, whatever the cost may be, whatever you may have to deny yourself.... This life is just a little while. Eternity is a long time.
Ten Shekels and a Shirt

October 20, 2019

Ten Shekels and a Shirt | Paris Reidhead, 1965 Warning
[Humanism] has been sort of covered over with evangelical terms and Biblical doctrine until God reigns in heaven for the happiness of man, Jesus Christ was incarnate for the happiness of man, all the angels exist for the happiness of man.
The Chocolate Soldier

July 1, 2022

The Chocolate Soldier | Charles T. Studd, 1912 Warning
Will you be to Christ the partner of His throne or a vomit-inducing emetic? A Militant or a Chocolate Christian? Will you fear or will you fight? Shall your brethren go to war and shall you sit here? When He comes, shall He find faith on the earth?
The Pumpkin That Caught Geese

February 1, 2011

The Pumpkin That Caught Geese | Anonymous/Unknown Warning
Sometimes people are fooled, too. There are many things in life which look harmless enough and yet are fatal. We hear warnings about drugs and other harmful things and often forget the most common and most serious death trap of all.
The Responsibility of My Soul

June 1, 2012

The Responsibility of My Soul | Mark P. Spinks, 2012 Warning
Most human beings do not value their soul as they should, but are instead incredibly careless. This neglect of the soul is beyond irresponsible, beyond criminal, beyond comprehension.... So the souls of men become easy pickings for the enemy of mankind.