Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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5 items:

The Gift of Tongues

October 30, 2004

The Gift of Tongues | George E. Harmon Truth
Some are making an attempt to draw a distinction between the gift of tongues and speaking in tongues—that "the gift of tongues" is under the control of the individual possessing it while "speaking in tongues" is an uncontrollable overflow of exhortation.
Hero of Hill House

October 23, 2004

Hero of Hill House | Mabel Hale, 1922 Story
Austin's brow clouded as he heard Doyle's wish.... It did not seem fair, after the sacrifice he had made all these years... that the boy should care more for his father and this unknown mother than he did for his home and the one who had made it possible.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 32 (October 2004)

October 16, 2004

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 32 (October 2004) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2004 Humility
Daniel felt trapped. If he said Jesus was his Captain, Dad would ask why he hadn't been sharing. But it didn't seem fair to share a personal refuge. He didn't want to be selfish, really. "I don't know," he muttered. "I just wanted to be by myself."
A Peep Behind the Scenes

October 9, 2004

A Peep Behind the Scenes | Amy C. Walton, 1877 Story
"Rosalie," said her father.... "Come along!" So Rosalie had to leave her poor mother. And instead of singing the soothing words of the hymn, she had to repeat again and again the foolish and senseless words which had fallen to her share in the new play.
Tug of War

October 1, 2004

Tug of War | Amy C. Walton, 1898 Decision
I saw that they were close upon a terrible place, for mighty cliffs stood above the shore, and they were within a very short distance of a sheer and terrible precipice. "What are you dragging?" I cried to them. And a thousand voices seemed to answer, "A soul! a soul!"