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Courtship and Marriage

April 24, 2004

Courtship and Marriage | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr., 1976 Marriage
Marriage is a lifetime thing.... It should never be entered into thoughtlessly, recklessly, or hastily; but thoughtfully, prayerfully, reverently, discreetly, and in full consideration of the purposes for which God ordained it.
Remember Now Thy Creator

October 1, 2010

Remember Now Thy Creator | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr., 2010 Youth
Whatever it takes for you to save your soul, whatever sacrifices you may have to make, whatever the cost may be, whatever you may have to deny yourself.... This life is just a little while. Eternity is a long time.
Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks

February 1, 2003

Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr. Compromise
There has been a great cry... for liberty of conscience. But let us realize that this tendency generally runs into a liberal conscience, and there is a vast difference between a liberal conscience and liberty of conscience.
Truths on Sanctification

February 1, 2008

Truths on Sanctification | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr., 1943 Sanctification
One who is justified is holy; one who is sanctified is perfected in holiness. In others words, the justified person is holy in practice or life, not committing sin; but the sanctified person is holy in nature, having had the sin nature destroyed out of his heart.
Was the Devil Ever in Heaven?

April 1, 2009

Was the Devil Ever in Heaven? | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr., 1970 Devil/Demons
Jesus taught His disciples to say when praying, "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Now, if angels in heaven sinned, then God's will was not done in heaven.