Are you saved from sin today? Are you in the holy way? If you are, a witness you should surely be; If the devil you’d defeat, With a victory complete, Just arise and testify and he will flee.
Refrain 1: Then arise and witness true, What the Lord has done for you; If you would be always free, Testify where’er you be.
Do you in the Lord abide? Are you walking by His side? If you are, He says He’ll hear you when you pray; Then when Satan tries to scare, Lift your heart and voice in prayer, For where Jesus is the devil cannot stay.
Refrain 2: Then arise and witness true, What the Lord has done for you; If you would be always free, Bow in prayer where’er you be.
Are you joyful in the Lord? Do you love to keep His word? If you do, then lift up holy hands and sing; If the praise is in your heart, Shout it out ere it depart, Hallelujah! praise and honor to our King.
Refrain 3: Then arise and witness true, What the Lord has done for you; If you would be always free, Praise the Lord where’er you be.
Have you heard the Father’s call? “Come, my people, one and all From confusion, and depart without delay!” Have you ever yet been healed, Since to Jesus you did yield? If you have, His voice you surely will obey.
Refrain 4: Then arise and witness true, What the Lord has done for you; If you would be always free, Obey the Lord where’er you be.