Holy Spirit, dwell with me, Make me holy, like to Thee; Bring thou every thought of mine Into harmony with Thine; Bring thou every thought of mine Into harmony with Thine.
Refrain: Fill thou me! Fill thou me! All my heart I yield to Thee! With Thy holiness divine Fill this longing heart of mine!
Loving Spirit, come to me, Make me loving, like to Thee; To its depths my being stir, Print my Master’s likeness there; To its depths my being stir, Print my Master’s likeness there.
Mighty Spirit, live in me, I would heav’nly-minded be; Let my heart its Sov’reign own, Christ its center—Christ alone; Let my heart its Sov’reign own, Christ its center—Christ alone.
Glorious Spirit, fill Thou me! This poor heart I yield to Thee; Take me body, spirit, soul, Let Thy life pervade the whole; Take me body, spirit, soul, Let Thy life pervade the whole.