I love the church of God, Structure divine, Structure divine; Her children all of one, Through the anointed Son, Here and around the throne, Pure and sublime.
I love the church of God; Her closed door, Her closed door, Held by that pierced hand, Opens at His command, Welcomes the contrite friend, Wealthy or poor.
I love the church of God; Her gates of praise, Her gates of praise Re-echo far and near Strains of angelic cheer, Mark each prophetic year, Number the days.
I love the church of God, Beautiful bride, Beautiful bride: Fine linen, pure and clean, No spot on her is seen; Low by her pastures green Still waters glide.
I love the church of God, Refuge secure, Refuge secure: When storms and thunders loud Break from the threat’ning cloud, Anguish the world enshroud, She will endure.
I love the church of God; Her courts of love, Her courts of love Succor the fainting heart, Strength to the weak impart; Perfect in every part, Here and above.
The Gospel Trumpet Company, Truth in Song, 1907 (27)