Jesus, Thy blood, Thy precious blood! For sin it doth atone, Because Thou art the Lamb of God, It speaks before the throne. Thy blood shall have its praises sung By yonder white-robed throng; All hail then to this precious blood, I’ll shout in ceaseless song.
Jesus, Thy name, Thy glorious name! When shall I know its worth? It needs of heav’nly fire a flame, Its glories to show forth. Thy name, high over every name, Shall yet acknowleged be By angels, seraphs, and by men On humbly bended knee.
Jesus, Thy word, Thy gracious word! Most welcome news to me! Oh, teach me by Thy Spirit, Lord, In it Thyself to see. More glorious than Thy name, O Lord, Thy word will magnify; Thy word makes known Thy name, the blood Brings all the blessings nigh.
More precious still than all of these Art Thou Thyself to me, God manifest in Christ the Lord— Oh, what will heaven be! When all the blood-washed glorified Shall see Thee as Thou art, Who by Thy word were sanctified, All one in name and heart.