There is joy in the service of the Master, Let me sing of the glory I have found; Since I gave all to Jesus, and His favor gained, Oh, wondrous streams of joy forever abound.
Refrain: Jesus, my life, and my joy evermore, Jesus forever my heart’s deep store; Glory to God for redeeming love, Oh, wondrous peace of God that flows from above.
Could you bring me the treasures of the ocean, Could you offer the golden stores of earth, I would sing, “Hallelujah, I’ve a greater wealth: I have my Savior’s love, a heavenly birth.”
Could I soar to the highest throne of honor, Could I shine with the wisdom of a sage; All this poor, fading glory could no thought engage, Since Jesus is my all, my own heritage.
Could I sing out the pleasure in my bosom, How my heart thrills with glory in the way, All the world would no longer in the desert stay, But to my Jesus come, and even today.