Ring, happy bells of Easter time, The world is glad to hear your chime; Across wide fields of melting snow The winds of summer softly blow, And birds and streams repeat the chime Of Easter time, of Easter time.
Refrain: The world is glad to hear your chime; Ring, happy bells of Easter time!
Ring, happy bells of Easter time, The world takes up your chant sublime; The Lord is ris’n! The night of fear Has passed away and heav’n draws near: We breathe the air of that blest clime, At Easter time, at Easter time.
Ring, happy bells of Easter time, Our happy hearts give back your chime; The Lord is ris’n! We die no more: He opens wide the heav’nly door; He meets us, while to Him we climb, At Easter time, at Easter time.
The Judson Press, Living Hymns: The Small Hymnal, 1923 (80)