Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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164 items:

Abiding in Jesus | Daniel O. Teasley Abiding in Jesus (#178) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Abiding
I'm abiding in Jesus, what a blessed place! / I am sure He kindly cares for me; …
A Child of God | Barney E. Warren A Child of God (#205) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Experience
Praise the Lord! my heart with His love is beaming, / I am a child of God; …
A Crown Over There | Barney E. Warren A Crown Over There (#136) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Heaven
Shall I wear that bright crown God has offered to me, / When my life shall have come to a close? …
All in Jesus | Barney E. Warren All in Jesus (#75) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Experience
There is peace and joy in the Lord today, / More than all in this world of sin; …
Almost Decided | Barney E. Warren Almost Decided (#138) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Invitation
Almost decided, sinner, / Will you not come today? …
Are You Building on the Rock? | Barney E. Warren Are You Building on the Rock? (#372) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Refuge
Are you building on the Rock eternal? / Are you building on the sinking sand? …
Ask and You Shall Receive | J. H. Olinger Ask and You Shall Receive (#532) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Promise
See the great promises, brother, / Are they so hard to believe? …
Bear the Cross | Barney E. Warren Bear the Cross (#267) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Steadfastness
O brother, will you bear the cross / For Jesus everywhere, …
Beautiful | Barney E. Warren Beautiful (#341) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Heaven
Beautiful robes so white, / Beautiful land of light, …
Beautiful Home | Barney E. Warren Beautiful Home (#106) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Heaven
There's a land of delight, where the angels dwell, / Beautiful home, beautiful home; …
Behold What Love | Daniel O. Teasley Behold What Love (#41) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Love
Behold what love, yes, love divine, / The Father showed to thee, …
Be Not Afraid | Barney E. Warren Be Not Afraid (#292) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Comfort
"Be not afraid, 'tis I, 'tis I, / Though the storm rages wild; …
Bright Anticipation | Barney E. Warren Bright Anticipation (#214) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Anticipation
There's a voice full of sweetness and love, / It is speaking so kindly to me: …
Bright Jewels | Barney E. Warren Bright Jewels (#571) | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Heaven
When all the dear children are gathering home, / We shall be there, we shall be there; …
Bright Land for Me | Barney E. Warren Bright Land for Me (#211) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Heaven
Sweet and precious Jesus, / All to Thee, all to Thee. …
By the Grace of God | Barney E. Warren By the Grace of God (#356) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Grace
By the grace of God I am saved today, / I will walk by faith in the narrow way; …
Cast Thy Bread upon the Water | Barney E. Warren Cast Thy Bread upon the Water (#483) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Missionary
Cast thy bread upon the water, / 'Twill return in many days; …
Cast Thy Burden on the Lord | Barney E. Warren Cast Thy Burden on the Lord (#93) | Barney E. Warren, 1890 Exhortation
Christian, when thy way seems darkest, / And thine eyes with tears are dim, …
Christ, the Great Physician | Barney E. Warren Christ, the Great Physician (#244) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Healing
The blessed Christ of God I see, / In that fair land of Galilee, …
Come, Bow at Jesus' Feet | Barney E. Warren Come, Bow at Jesus’ Feet (#465) | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Invitation
Oh, come receive the gospel light, / Salvation's plan is all complete; …
Come Closer to Me | Barney E. Warren Come Closer to Me (#101) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Comfort
When I get weary with toils of the day, / Off in the secret I kneel and pray; …
Come, Prodigal Child | John B. Vaughan Come, Prodigal Child (#362) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Invitation
Come, prodigal child, to your Father, / Why feed on the mountains so bare? …
Crucified for Me | Barney E. Warren Crucified for Me (#497) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Crucifixion
Prince of glory condescended, He has favored me; / On the cross He meekly suffered my poor soul to free; …
Do You Love the World? | Clarence E. Hunter Do You Love the World? (#340) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Examination
Do you love the world, in its pomp and show? / In its course of sin will you onward go? …
Echoes from Heaven | Barney E. Warren Echoes from Heaven (#469) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Praise
Far away among the angels, / In the sweet celestial bow'rs, …
Endearing Lord | Barney E. Warren Endearing Lord (#364) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Worship
O Christ divine, O God of love, / Thou source of every good; …
Enter by the Door | Barney E. Warren Enter by the Door (#301) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Supplication
Blessed Jesus, I am bringing / All to Thee forevermore; …
Evening and Morning | Barney E. Warren Evening and Morning (#160) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Anticipation
When the evening is coming, / And the dark clouds appear, …
Ever Lead Me | Barney E. Warren Ever Lead Me (#406) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Guidance
Out on this dark world, Savior, am I, / Be Thou my helper, oh, hear my cry; …
Every Hour for Jesus | Barney E. Warren Every Hour for Jesus (#235) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Work
Every hour for Jesus! shall my motto be, / There is plenty of work we may do; …
Farther Along | W. B. Stevens Farther Along (#628) | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Encouragement
Tempted and tried, we're oft made to wonder / Why it should be thus all the day long; …
Fiery Darts | S. S. Plank Fiery Darts (#316) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Warfare
In the hour of sore temptation I may be, / Yet, amid the trials, Jesus' face I see; …
Following Jesus | Barney E. Warren Following Jesus (#568) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Loyalty
Following Jesus, following Jesus, / Gently He leads me in the heavenly way; …
Glorious Zion | Barney E. Warren Glorious Zion (#60) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Zion
Glorious things are spoken of thee, / Thou city of God, thou home of the free; …
Glory to God in the Highest! | Barney E. Warren Glory to God in the Highest! (#428) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Christmas
"Glory to God in the highest!" / Said the angels to the shepherds on the plain; …
God Is Calling Thee | Barney E. Warren God Is Calling Thee (#70) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Invitation
Is God calling thee, O guilty sinner?— / Satan has long on thee imposed— …
Gone to Return No More | Barney E. Warren Gone to Return No More (#175) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Warning
Think of your soul, poor sinner, today, / In dreadful dearth in sin's darkest way; …
Happy in the Savior | Barney E. Warren Happy in the Savior (#120) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
I am happy in the Lord for the love He showed to me, / And I'm resting on His precious promise; …
Harvest Time (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Harvest Time (Warren) (#583) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Harvest
We are in the harvest time, / When the fields in every clime …
Have You Any Room? | John B. Vaughan Have You Any Room? (#151) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Examination
Sinner, have you any room for Jesus / In your lonely desert heart? …
He Arose | Barney E. Warren He Arose (#432) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Resurrection
"He is risen," said the angel to the women, / When they came to see Him sleeping in the cave; …
He Is Able to Deliver | Barney E. Warren He Is Able to Deliver (#25) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Invitation
He is able to deliver thee, O sinner; / He will drive the night away; …
Hide Me | Barney E. Warren Hide Me (#88) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Prayer
Keep me as the apple of Thine eye, / Joyful in the glory pardon brings; …
Hiding in His Mercy | Barney E. Warren Hiding in His Mercy (#184) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Assurance
God is my keeper, whom shall I fear? / Though burdens press me, …
His Blood My Plea | Barney E. Warren His Blood My Plea (#187) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Blood
His blood is all my plea, / Through grace divine alone, …
Hold Fast | Barney E. Warren Hold Fast (#53) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Steadfastness
Hold fast to the Savior, He loves you still, / Hold fast to the promise He will fulfill; …
Holiness (Hunter) | Clarence E. Hunter Holiness (#139) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Holiness
Beautiful holiness! theme of the Bible, / Filling my heart with its riches of grace; …
How Can I Fall? | Clarence E. Hunter How Can I Fall? (#299) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Confidence
God's arms are underneath me, / How can I fall? …
How Sweet Is My Rest | Andrew L. Byers How Sweet Is My Rest (#297) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Rest
How sweet is the comfort and rest of my soul, / Where peace doth so tranquilly flow; …
Hurry and Tell Him | J. Henry Hall Hurry and Tell Him (#445) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Promise
"Ask, and it shall be given you," brother, / He is the Lord, who careth for all; …
I Am Coming, Lord, to Thee | Barney E. Warren I Am Coming, Lord, to Thee (#471) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Supplication
I am coming, Lord, to Thee with my broken heart; / I am coming, Lord, to Thee for rest; …
I Am Free | Barney E. Warren I Am Free (#466) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Blood
I am free in the all-cleansing blood, / Oh, the sweet flowing tide in my soul, …
I Am Hiding | Barney E. Warren I Am Hiding (#9) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Refuge
Safely hiding, should I fear, / When the Lord is near? …
I Come to Thee | Uriah E. Hallman I Come to Thee (#135) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Submission
Now I come, my Lord and Savior, / Humbly kneeling at Thy feet, …
If You Will | Barney E. Warren If You Will (#441) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Invitation
You may know this day that your sins are gone, / If you'll come to Christ and forsake the wrong, …
I Give My All to Thee | Barney E. Warren I Give My All to Thee (#478) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Consecration
My blessed Lord, I will be Thine, / Thy blood has made me free; …
I Have a Home | Barney E. Warren I Have a Home (#359) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Anticipation
I have a home prepared for me, / A mansion bright across the sea; …
I Love to Serve My Jesus | Elisha A. Hoffman I Love to Serve My Jesus (#436) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Satisfaction
I love to serve my Jesus, a priv'lege so sublime, / My life afresh with beauty bright is sparkling all the time; …
I'm Happy, Redeemed, and Free | Barney E. Warren I’m Happy, Redeemed, and Free (#251) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
How can you part with Jesus, / So loving, so kind, and gracious? …
In the Hollow of His Hand | Barney E. Warren In the Hollow of His Hand (#344) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Loyalty
I have left all sin's dominion, / I'll obey Thy sweet command; …
Is Your Name Enrolled in Heaven? | Barney E. Warren Is Your Name Enrolled in Heaven? (#567) | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Examination
In that land of rest with its joys untold / Is the Book of Life so fair; …
It Satisfies My Soul | Barney E. Warren It Satisfies My Soul (#7) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Salvation
For me the blessed Savior came, / His great salvation to proclaim; …
I Will, I Will! | Barney E. Warren I Will, I Will! (#338) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Decision
Oh, will you count the cost today? / Oh, will you leave your sinful way? …
I Will No Longer Doubt Thee | Barney E. Warren I Will No Longer Doubt Thee (#518) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Faith
Can I defeat my Savior's plan, / Trample His mercy in the dust? …
I Would Be Closer to Thee | Barney E. Warren I Would Be Closer to Thee (#81) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Supplication
I would be closer, my Savior, / Yes, closer to Thee each day, …
Jesus Is My Shepherd | Samuel L. Speck Jesus Is My Shepherd (#337) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Jesus/Savior
Jesus is my Shepherd, so kind and true, / Down where the living waters flow; …
Jesus Is Pleading for Thee | Barney E. Warren Jesus Is Pleading for Thee (#418) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Invitation
Hear the gentle Spirit's call, / Jesus is pleading for thee; …
Jesus Loves You | Barney E. Warren Jesus Loves You (#570) | Barney E. Warren, 1901 Jesus/Savior
Little children, do not fear, Jesus loves you, / How He loves you, how He loves you; …
Jesus Makes Me Whole | Barney E. Warren Jesus Makes Me Whole (#462) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Cleansing
I hear celestial music strains / Resounding everywhere; …
Jesus Saves from Sin Today | John B. Vaughan Jesus Saves from Sin Today (#363) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Invitation
Hear the tidings, loud and clear, / Jesus saves from sin today; …
Joyful News | Barney E. Warren Joyful News (#540) | Barney E. Warren Sanctification
Jesus brought me to the mountain, / Where salvation echoes roll; …
Joy Unspeakable | Barney E. Warren Joy Unspeakable (#183) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
I have found His grace is all complete, / He supplieth every need; …
Keep Me, My Lord | Barney E. Warren Keep Me, My Lord (#598) | Barney E. Warren, 1905 Keeping
Keep me in touch with Thee, / My blessed Lord; …
Keep Me Near the Cross | Samuel L. Speck Keep Me Near the Cross (#459) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Consecration
Keep me near the cross, / Keep me near the cross; …
Kept by the Power of God | Barney E. Warren Kept by the Power of God (#164) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Keeping
We are kept by the power and favor of God / From all the dominion of sin; …
Leaning on the Arms of Jesus | Barney E. Warren Leaning on the Arms of Jesus (#461) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Trust
Leaning on the arms of Jesus, / Oh, it is so sweet and precious! …
Let Him In | Barney E. Warren Let Him In (#313) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Invitation
Who is knocking at your heart today? / Let the Savior in; …
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled | Barney E. Warren Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (#132) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Comfort
Let not your weary heart be troubled, / Believe in God, believe in Me; …
Let the Little One Sleep | Barney E. Warren Let the Little One Sleep (#261) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Death
That little form before us / In death's embrace, …
Let Your Light Shine | Barney E. Warren Let Your Light Shine (#140) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Light
Let your light so shine that the world may see / How to come to Christ who will set them free; …
Like a Rock in the Billows | Barney E. Warren Like a Rock in the Billows (#105) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Steadfastness
Like a rock in the billows I would stable be, / Till the storm is overpast; …
Lost Forever | Barney E. Warren Lost Forever (#417) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Warning
Where is thy hope, poor sinner? / What are you going to do? …
Mercy Is Calling for Thee | John B. Vaughan Mercy Is Calling for Thee (#343) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Invitation
Will you come and be free from the bondage of sin? / Jesus has died on the tree; …
Mighty to Save and Keep | Barney E. Warren Mighty to Save and Keep (#159) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Keeping
Mighty to save, and mighty to keep, / Grace like the ocean, boundless and deep; …
Morning Worship (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Morning Worship (Warren) (#318) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Worship
In the dawning of the morning, / How our hearts with praises swell, …
O Calvary | Andrew L. Byers O Calvary (#145) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Blood
O blessed Lamb of God so dear! / For Thou hast come my heart to cheer; …
Oh, Watch and Wait | Barney E. Warren Oh, Watch and Wait (#516) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Watchfulness
Watch for the Master's coming, / Oh, watch and wait; …
Open Wide the Door | Barney E. Warren Open Wide the Door (#440) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Invitation
Sinner, hark! the Savior's calling, / Pleading o'er and o'er; …
O Precious Savior! | Barney E. Warren O Precious Savior! (#131) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Jesus/Savior
O precious Savior! / O precious Savior! …
O Thou Gentle Spirit | Barney E. Warren O Thou Gentle Spirit (#504) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Holy Spirit
Oh, what a joyful assurance / The gentle Spirit brings! …
Patiently Waiting | Barney E. Warren Patiently Waiting (#114) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Missionary
Long have they waited in the dark heathen lands / For the pure living water from the dear Savior's hands; …
Peace | Barney E. Warren Peace (#435) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Peace
Sweet peace is flowing, peace that will abide; / Peace e'er increasing, Jesus will provide; …
Peace, Be Still | Barney E. Warren Peace, Be Still (#517) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Peace
Blessed Redeemer, I love Thee so well, / Thy great salvation I never can tell; …
Praise Him, O My Soul | Barney E. Warren Praise Him, O My Soul (#535) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Praise
I love the dear Redeemer's name, / Praise the Lord, O my soul! …
Praise the Lord, My Soul Is Free | Barney E. Warren Praise the Lord, My Soul Is Free (#609) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Praise
Praise the Lord, my soul is free, / I enjoy sweet liberty: …
Praise the Name of Jesus | Barney E. Warren Praise the Name of Jesus (#67) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Praise
Praise the name of Jesus, for His love to me, / Crucified on Calv'ry sinful man to free. …
Precious Home of Rest | Barney E. Warren Precious Home of Rest (#456) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Heaven
Sweet rest in Jesus, / Home of the soul, …
Press On | Barney E. Warren Press On (#369) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Warfare
Press on, my brother, sister, / And face the deadly foe; …
Redeemed Through the Blood | Barney E. Warren Redeemed Through the Blood (#578) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Blood
I'm redeemed, I will proclaim it, / I'm redeemed by blood divine; …
Rush to the Rescue | Barney E. Warren Rush to the Rescue (#434) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Missionary
See the storm raging in fury today, / Out on life's ocean still drifting away; …
Salvation Echoes | Daniel O. Teasley Salvation Echoes (#333) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
Salvation echoes gladden, / We hear them on this shore; …
Satisfied in Jesus | Clarence E. Hunter Satisfied in Jesus (#122) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Satisfaction
I am satisfied in Jesus, / What a sweet soul rest I feel; …
Savior, I'm Coming | Barney E. Warren Savior, I’m Coming (#199) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Decision
Savior, coming to Thee, / I would be Thine own; …
Shall I Die Without a Savior? | Barney E. Warren Shall I Die Without a Savior? (#430) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Warning
Shall I die without a Savior? / Shall I lose my precious soul? …
Shall I Miss It? | Barney E. Warren Shall I Miss It? (#429) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Examination
"What will you give in exchange for your soul?" / What will it profit you, sinner, …
Silently | Barney E. Warren Silently (#260) | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Death
Silently, silently / Sleep the peaceful dead; …
Since I Am Sanctified | Clarence E. Hunter Since I Am Sanctified (#45) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Sanctification
The Comforter abides within, / Since I am sanctified; …
Sing About Jesus | Barney E. Warren Sing About Jesus (#400) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Praise
Sing about Jesus who died to save; / Who for my soul His life He gave. …
Sinner, See the Love of God | Barney E. Warren Sinner, See the Love of God (#519) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Invitation
There is life forevermore; / At the cross, where Jesus died, …
Sinner, You Must Die | Barney E. Warren Sinner, You Must Die (#115) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Warning
Have you heard the gospel, sinner? / Do you know that Jesus died? …
Sowing and Reaping | Barney E. Warren Sowing and Reaping (#239) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Sowing/Reaping
He that goeth forth and weepeth, / Bearing seeds to every land, …
Sweet Paradise | Barney E. Warren Sweet Paradise (#231) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Anticipation
Sweet paradise! my future home, / The place of all the free; …
Tarry with Me | Joseph C. Fisher Tarry with Me (#5) | Barney E. Warren, 1885 Meditation
Now the shadows slowly lengthen, / Soon the evening time will come; …
The Bible Way | Barney E. Warren The Bible Way (#295) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Invitation
The Lord invites you in, / Oh, come to Him, I pray; …
The Blameless Church | Amanda L. Speck The Blameless Church (#158) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Church
Without spot and blameless, O Savior, / What a glorious church Thou hast built! …
The Blood of Jesus | Barney E. Warren The Blood of Jesus (#27) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Blood
Must I in sinful bondage be, / Deprived of peace and liberty, …
The Cleansing Stream | Amanda L. Speck The Cleansing Stream (#557) | Barney E. Warren, 1888 Cleansing
We're living by faith in the Savior alone, / Who suffered on Calv'ry for sin to atone; …
The Day of His Grace Is Past | Barney E. Warren The Day of His Grace Is Past (#155) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Warning
O soul, be afraid, thou shalt reckon with God, / And pass 'neath the scourge of His wrathful rod; …
The Dispensation Day | Barney E. Warren The Dispensation Day (#513) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Church
In the awful age of night, / When the earth was struck with blight, …
The Faithfulness of God | Barney E. Warren The Faithfulness of God (#415) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Exhortation
Oh, look at the faithfulness of Christ, our Lord, / How He saves and keeps the soul; …
The Glorious Invitation | Barney E. Warren The Glorious Invitation (#206) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Invitation
Heed the glorious invitation, come, / Oh, come, oh, come; …
The Gospel Trumpet | Clarence E. Hunter The Gospel Trumpet (#26) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Truth
Blow the gospel trumpet, brother, over land and sea, / Sound the news to all creation, Christ will set you free; …
The Lost Sheep | Barney E. Warren The Lost Sheep (#44) | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Missionary
The ninety-nine are safely lying / In the fold, in the fold; …
The Pathway of the Just | Barney E. Warren The Pathway of the Just (#4) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Experience
There are beams of brilliant sunlight along the holy way, / Where the weary pilgrims travel in the dust; …
The Pilgrim's Confidence | Barney E. Warren The Pilgrim’s Confidence (#379) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Trust
Walking through life's dark, shady valley, / Walking with Jesus day by day; …
The Precious Seed | Barney E. Warren The Precious Seed (#533) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Sowing/Reaping
We are sowing every moment, / Seeds that yield much good, or bad; …
The Precious Sunlight | Barney E. Warren The Precious Sunlight (#355) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Light
Praise the Lord, there's sunlight in my happy soul today, / Brighter than the glorious noon; …
There Is Healing in His Name | Clarence E. Hunter There Is Healing in His Name (#133) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Healing
Simply trusting in the Savior, / Healing virtue now receive; …
There Is Joy in the Lord | Barney E. Warren There Is Joy in the Lord (#328) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Joy
I will sing, hallelujah, for there's joy in the Lord, / And He fills my heart with rapture as I rest on His Word; …
The Resurrection Morn | Barney E. Warren The Resurrection Morn (#29) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Resurrection
In the resurrection morning, / When the Savior comes, 'tis said, …
The River of Pleasure | Andrew L. Byers The River of Pleasure (#405) | Barney E. Warren, 1891 Joy
Oh, drink of the river of pleasure, / A deep, living stream of delight; …
The Rose of Sharon | Barney E. Warren The Rose of Sharon (#258) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Jesus/Savior
Lord Jesus, my sweet Rose of Sharon, / My Prophet, my Priest, and my King— …
The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren The Shadow of His Wings (#219) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Refuge
In the shadow of His wings / Doth my heart rejoice, …
The Sun Behind the Cloud | Barney E. Warren The Sun Behind the Cloud (#304) | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Encouragement
In the Bible Jesus tells us we must suffer for His sake; / Though the world in trouble wears a gloomy shroud, …
The Tested Rock | Barney E. Warren The Tested Rock (#227) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Refuge
Rock of ages, hide my soul, / Keep me while the billows roll; …
The Victory in Trial | Barney E. Warren The Victory in Trial (#549) | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Victory
Praise God for His grace bestowed upon me, / How sad was the state I was in! …
The Victory Is Mine | Barney E. Warren The Victory Is Mine (#126) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Victory
The vict'ry is mine, the vict'ry is mine; / Through Jesus my Lord, obeying His word; …
Thy Will Be Done (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Thy Will Be Done (Warren) (#601) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Submission
Thy will be done, / Thy will be done; …
Trust, Brother, Trust | Barney E. Warren Trust, Brother, Trust (#402) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Trust
Take the cross and follow Jesus, / Trust, brother, trust; …
Truth Divine | Andrew L. Byers Truth Divine (#1) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Truth
Truth divine, by angels spoken, / Clothed in strains of music grand; …
Under His Wings (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Under His Wings (Warren) (#376) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Refuge
I'm in the Lord's sacred pavilion; / I rest in the holiest place; …
Vale of Eden | Barney E. Warren Vale of Eden (#238) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Rest
Sweet vale of Eden, soul-rest forever, / Gladly we come unto thee; …
Victory | Barney E. Warren Victory (#451) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Victory
Hallelujah, what a thought! / Jesus full salvation brought, …
Waiting at the Cross | Barney E. Warren Waiting at the Cross (#84) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Supplication
Lord, I come to Thee with an aching heart, / I am waiting at the cross; …
Waiting for Me | Barney E. Warren Waiting for Me (#202) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Invitation
Sweet love that moved the heart of God, / Waiting for me, waiting for me; …
Walking in the Light | Barney E. Warren Walking in the Light (#123) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Light
"He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, / But shall have the light, the light of life"; …
Watch, for the Savior Is Coming | Barney E. Warren Watch, for the Savior Is Coming (#189) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Watchfulness
Watch, for the Savior is coming, / Thus He has said before; …
Waves of Devotion | Barney E. Warren Waves of Devotion (#493) | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Worship
A glorious blessing bestowed upon me, / Salvation, the joy of my heart; …
Weeping Jesus | Barney E. Warren Weeping Jesus (#31) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Suffering
Weeping Jesus, suff'ring One, / Whose tears and sorrows we may trace; …
Weighed in the Balance | Barney E. Warren Weighed in the Balance (#242) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Judgment
Weighed in the balance of justice true, / Sinful the path thou hast trod; …
We Shall Run and Not Be Weary | Barney E. Warren We Shall Run and Not Be Weary (#412) | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Encouragement
I now am running in the Christian race, / To gain the promised prize; …
We Will Meet | Barney E. Warren We Will Meet (#453) | Barney E. Warren, 1792 Death
Farewell, dear friends, a long farewell, / Since we shall meet no more, …
Kingdom of Peace | Barney E. Warren What a Kingdom! (#618) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Church
There's a theme that is sweet to my mem'ry, / There's a joy that I cannot declare, …
What Are You Sowing, Sinner? | Barney E. Warren What Are You Sowing, Sinner? (#143) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Sowing/Reaping
What are you sowing, sinner, / Carelessly, heedlessly? …
What If the Master Should Come? | Clarence E. Hunter What If the Master Should Come? (#73) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Warning
What if the Master should come tonight? / Would you be ready to go? …
What the Savior Hath Said | Barney E. Warren What the Savior Hath Said (#572) | Barney E. Warren, 1901 Invitation
I am so glad that the Savior hath said, / "Come unto Me, come unto Me," …
When My Lifework Is Ended | Otto Bolds When My Lifework Is Ended (#252) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Anticipation
When my lifework is ended, / And the summons has come, …
When the Bridegroom Comes | Barney E. Warren When the Bridegroom Comes (#55) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Warning
Precious soul, prepare for the midnight call, / "Be ready when the Bridegroom comes"; …
Where Shall I Spend My Eternity? | Barney E. Warren Where Shall I Spend My Eternity? (#339) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Eternity
Where shall I spend my eternity? / Where shall I spend my eternity? …
Whiter than the Snow | Barney E. Warren Whiter than the Snow (#172) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Cleansing
A fount of cleansing flows so free / From that blest mount of Calvary; …
Who Will Shine as the Stars? | Barney E. Warren Who Will Shine as the Stars? (#553) | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Anticipation
As the pure glowing sky on a clear summer day, / When sweet fragrance is filling the air, …
Why Carelessly Wait? | Barney E. Warren Why Carelessly Wait? (#256) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Invitation
Oh, come to the Lord today, / Come, sinner, without delay; …
Will You Come? (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Will You Come? (Warren) (#176) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Invitation
Will you come to Jesus? He is calling; / Will you come to Him without delay? …
Within the Rock | Barney E. Warren Within the Rock (#305) | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Refuge
I have a sure and safe retreat / To which I always flee, …