The Comforter abides within, Since I am sanctified; He cleanseth all my heart from sin, Since I am sanctified. The blood by faith now reaches me, In soul and body I am free, And now I’ve constant victory, Since I am sanctified.
The Comforter is all I need, Since I am sanctified; I’ve nothing but His grace to plead, Since I am sanctified. He guides me in the truth and right, He helps me conquer in the fight, His service is my heart’s delight, Since I am sanctified.
The Comforter is life and peace, Since I am sanctified; His grace and glory do increase, Since I am sanctified. My heart with rapture overflows, My life on earth much sweeter grows, And in me dwells no hind’ring foes, Since I am sanctified.
The Comforter is life complete, Since I am sanctified; In His rich favor I’m replete, Since I am sanctified. I’m never lonely, tired with care, For He, a present help, is there, And all my burdens He doth bear, Since I am sanctified.