The earth shall melt with fervent heat, The heavens pass away, And all mankind their doom shall meet, In that last great day.
Refrain: Oh, that last great day is coming very soon, ’Tis the judgment day and the lost shall weep; ’Tis the crowning day, and the saints shall greet, In that last great day.
The trump will sound, the Lord return, And time no longer be, The world in judgment flames consume, In that last great day.
So all who make this world their God, Can here no longer stay; Their fondest hopes will all have fled, In that last great day.
The quick and dead o’er land and sea Will leave their mortal clay, And put on immortality, In that last great day.
The church of God no more shall need This poor terrestrial home, For she shall dwell with Christ, her head, At the great white throne.