By the word of God the worlds were made, And are held in place by His commands; All the grasses wither and the flowers fade, But His truth forever stands.
Refrain: Oh, the precious Bible, Counsel for the soul, Path the faithful saints and martyrs trod; Settled in the heavens, True while ages roll, Changeless as the throne of God.
More to be desired than honey sweet, Richer are its treasures, far, than gold; Like a brilliant light, it shines to guide my feet, Never grows its story old.
Thy eternal law is my delight, Strength and daily manna to my soul; ’Tis my meditation all the day and night, Balm to make the wounded whole.
Stream of life from heaven, crystal pure, Shed thy cooling freshness over me; Let my thirsting spirit, till I thirst no more, Drink thy sparkling waters free.