The die is cast, my choice is made, A soldier I will be; Where Jesus leads I’m not afraid, A soldier I will be. In any clime, in any place, E’en can I not my Savior trace, To spread the news of Jesus’ grace, A soldier I will be.
Refrain: I’ll follow Thee, my Savior, No matter where it be; I’ll follow Thee, my Savior, O’er mountain, vale, or sea; I’ll follow Thee, my Savior, You can depend on me: In joy or pain, in loss or gain, Thy soldier I will be.
In spite of sorrow, toil, or pain, A soldier I will be; I’ll bear the cross, despise the shame, A soldier I will be. I know no color, class, or state, But cry, “Repent, ere ’tis too late!” And save lost souls from hell’s sad fate, A soldier I will be.
Until I draw my latest breath A soldier I will be; And when my eyes shall close in death, A soldier I will be. And when I reach those gates of pearl, I’ll sheath my sword, my colors furl, Defiance at the foe I’ll hurl, A soldier I will be.