Sinner, awake from thy sleep of sin; God’s final judgment is nigh at hand, When all the nations before His throne, Judged by His word there will fall or stand.
Refrain: Weighed in the balances, Weighed in the balances, Judged by the word of God, and found wanting, Wanting, wanting, and found wanting.
God will then open the books to see How you have lived and what you have said; Then He will search in the book of life Whether your soul is alive or dead.
Happy and blest then the pure in heart; God they shall see in His glorious light; But all the wicked will wail their doom: “From me depart into endless night.”
Then come the virgins whose light went out, Knocking and crying, “Oh, let us in!” “Closed is the door,” will the Master say: “From me depart, ye who slept in sin.”
Then all the dogmas and creeds of men, Prophets and priests who contend for sin, Measured and weighed by the word of God, Will be unable to enter in.
Sinner, prepare now to meet thy God, Cease from thy sins, walk the holy way; Then thou shalt stand on the right of God: Blessed you’ll be on that last great day.