I’ll rise at early morning hour, With first effulgent rays, While nature’s songsters in the bow’r, Send up their Maker’s praise; I’ll bow before my God so dear, And tarry till my heart shall hear The Spirit’s witness sweet and clear: “Without spot and blameless.”
While proud in heart, at bright midday, Can find no time for prayer, My thoughts shall soar from earth away, To heaven, bright and fair: Around the fam’ly altar knelt, My heart with gratitude will melt, Till blest assurance shall be felt, “Without spot and blameless.”
And when the pleasant evening air Is dusky with the night, My soul shall turn to God in prayer, In heaven’s golden light; I’ll linger at the great white throne, Until the thoughts of God are known, And He shall claim me for His own, “Without spot and blameless.”
With God’s approval on my soul My body sinks to rest, No doubts nor waves of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast; And through the night that hand so mild Protects from storms and billows wild His helpless, trusting, loving child, “Without spot and blameless.”